Dr. Randy Sherron
Randy Sherron has served churches as both pastor and staff member. He has led four congregations as Senior Pastor and has experience as an Associate Pastor and Youth Minster. He has honed his pastoral skills in programs sponsored by the Lilly Endowment and training for interim ministry with the Center for Healthy Churches.
Randy has been trained as an executive coach and has mentored several young ministers. He is particularly interested in spiritual formation and has led classes for divinity school students in prayer practices and worship leadership. Randy has been affirmed throughout his ministry for strong preaching and teaching skills and for providing seasoned, practical leadership.
Randy has experience leading multi-staff congregations with multiple worship services and smaller congregations with fewer people and resources. He has served on the board of Baptist institutions and has held leadership positions in various church and community organizations. Since moving to Interim Ministry, he has taken three churches through the interim process and helped them successfully call their next leader.
Randy’s education includes a Doctor of Ministry degree and several programs devoted to leadership excellence and personal development. Randy and his wife Susan, a retired public school teacher, live in Winston-Salem, NC. They have a son, Alex, who lives in Seattle, Washington.